Fight Song
Don’t pass me by
Don’t pass me by
I dare you I dare you
You disgrace me sir
You disgrace me sir
I dare you I dare you I dare you to fight
O enemies of peace
Profaners of the streets
Your lives shall pay you lives shall pay
I dare you I dare you I dare you
First Meeting
Good evening gentlemen
Good evening to your wives
Come musicians and play
Let’s drink and dance and laugh {forget today}
Oh tell me who is that lady
She teaches the torches to burn bright
My heart didn’t know love till now
For I ne'er saw beauty till this night.
I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love
I profane with my unworthy hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims
To smooth that rough touch with a kiss.
I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love
Hands to Hands
Lips to Lips
Give me my sin
I’m changed by your kiss
I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love
Wedding Song
Father Join our hands with loving words
Who / cares for tomorrow and her morning birds
Please don’t hesitate for time only takes
I fall in love with every move she makes
Father bless us both with hearts to share
My pure invocation of a lover’s prayer
Please don’t hesitate for time only takes
And I’ll still be in love when the morning breaks
Funeral Song
O my love! my wife!
Death has robbed the sweetness of life
Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty:
O my love! my wife!
As I awaken
I smell his skin
As I awaken
I long for his kiss
But Oh God, what is this?
Poison taste on his lips
Oh my love! My life
Not a drop left for me to die
Kiss on your lips then a black shroud will come
Oh my love, it is done
Verse 1 -
Never was a story
More miserable than this
Mother holds her child
Gives him one last kiss
And bells chime slowly
The dead, the men will lift
Never was a story
More miserable than this
Verse 2 -
Never was a young girl
More lively than my own
I see her dancing
At the party in our home
Now the bells chime slowly
And the men begin to move
Never was a mother
More Lonelier than this
Lord look upon us
With grace and light
For we cannot change was is done
Day brings a new light
With hope in our eyes
Fill us with the strength to carry on